Finding the perfect gift for Parents

Finding the perfect gift for Parents

As recipe’s go this one is for Children of all ages, but it’s also an extremely hard to get right, most Parents seem to have everything they need all ready and if they don’t they’re apt to nip out and get it. How many times have you been home to Mom and Dad to find they’ve hung some new curtains, repainted the shed or installed a new kitchen gadget. Yet we seem to struggle to find 5 minutes to do these jobs ourselves. Well the good news is that it’s not really like that… all parents seem to ‘get-things-done’ and if you take a step back you’ll find you’re doing the same in the eyes of your children. Onward:
  1. What needs replacing Things get broken and need repair or replacement, tools, kitchen gadgets, TV controllers, a favourite scarf, piece of clothing.
  2. Accessories Parents wear Cuff-links, scarves, hats, shoe laces, what goes with what, a pair of gloves, bracelets
  3. Books and Authors Parents seem to read a lot - they also love talking about they have been reading, so getting them a book for Christmas by an author they have recently raved about seems like a good idea.
  4. Hobbies As one grows older there is more time for hobbies or so it seems, you really have two choices here, either to spur some new hobby interest on or to re-invigorate a previously known about, but little seen hobby, perhaps something from their youth.
Although brief and somewhat generalistic in ideas, we at Rocknife hope these concepts give you the seed of an idea for what Parents may like this Christmas. Failing that there’s always a set of Rocknife knives

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