Perfect light salad of figs, prosciutto and rockets

Perfect light salad of figs, prosciutto and rockets

Figs, Prosciutto and Rocket Salad

With a plain garlic vinaigrette. To me this is absolutely mouth watering, the mix of sweet and sour here is perfect. This dish is also very impressive, the kind of thing that you would be served in a top restaurant and pay masses for. It’s well worth growing figs for.
  • 6, ripe figs
  • 6 slices of prosciutto
  • A few good handfuls of rocket
For the dressing
  • 4 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 3 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 small clove of garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste
Preparation time: 20 minutes Serves 6 You can either do this on one big platter or you can prepare this beforehand onto single plates.
  1. Slice the figs into bite size slices, cut the prosciutto into bite size pieces too.
  2. Spread some rocket about, then delicately and artistically lay your figs and prosciutto on top.
  3. To prepare the vinaigrette, press the garlic in a garlic press or squash it to let out the flavour.
  4. Put the garlic, olive oil, vinegar, mayonnaise, salt and pepper into a jar and shake well.
  5. Just before you eat pour a little vinaigrette over the figs, prosciutto and rocket.
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